NHS Wales Begin National Provision of MyDESMOND

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People in Wales with Type 2 diabetes now have access to MyDESMOND, our interactive digital education resource that provides easy access to evidence-based information and support, enabling users to track their nutrition and activity levels, set goals, connect with other users and seek advice from a dedicated team of experts. 

Catherine Washbrook-Davies, All Wales Dietetic Lead for Diabetes, All Wales Diabetes Implementation Group, said: “Traditionally in Wales diabetes education has taken the form of face-to-face groups via a GP or self- referral.

“This is the first time that a digital Type 2 diabetes education programme has been made available for everyone across Wales and we’re really excited about the possibilities it offers to help our patients manage their condition.  

“MyDESMOND will not replace group support, but the enormous disruption that Covid-19 caused to face-to-face services made it acutely clear how valuable this kind of resource is for people to have in their daily lives. Access to MyDESMOND will provide an additional option to support people before, during and after accessing any of the existing services across Wales; such as virtual X-PERT diabetes education groups, diabetes awareness sessions, telephone consultations and other face-to-face services as they resume.

“It is easily accessible through PCs, tablets or smartphones so people living with type 2 diabetes are never more than a few clicks from the information they need.”

 MyDESMOND includes the following features:

·         Interactive learning and booster sessions to increase knowledge and confidence about Type 2 diabetes through a range of videos, quizzes and educational materials

·         The ability to track activity levels and link up to Fitbit, Garmin or Google Fit devices

·         Add weight, blood pressure, HbA1c, diet and cholesterol info to track progress and changes

·         Set daily and long-term goals

·         Track progress against others in the MyDESMOND community on the global leader boards

·         Chat with members of the MyDESMOND community

·         Invite friends and family to join in through the ‘Buddies’ feature

·         An ‘Ask the Expert’ option connected to the multi-disciplinary team of the Leicester Diabetes Centre

According to the latest figures from 2020, there are nearly 210,000 people in Wales living with diabetes which is around eight per cent of the population. Of these, approximately 90 per cent are diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes1. This is the first time that Wales has recorded more than 200,000 people diagnosed with diabetes (1).

Alison Northern, Implementation Manager from the Leicester Diabetes Centre, said “We are extremely proud to be able to offer our MyDESMOND programme to people with Type 2 diabetes in Wales. Wales are the first home nation to rollout MyDESMOND as a national offer.

“Our evidence shows that people with type 2 diabetes who take part in MyDESMOND have significantly better self-efficacy and reduced diabetes distress (2) as well as self-reported reductions in weight and HbA1c (3). The feedback we’ve had from people currently using the programme has been really positive.

“We’re looking forward to working with the Diabetes Implementation Group to roll out MyDESMOND across Wales.”

Feedback from the 20,000 people already using MyDESMOND has been extremely positive; quotes and findings from a recent survey by the Leicester Diabetes Centre include:

“Interesting with great information I have found it very useful.”

“MyDesmond has turned my life style around for the better.”

“MyDesmond is an excellent reference to allow me to refresh my knowledge in my effort to self-manage my diabetes.”

·         90% said the information in the site was ‘sufficiently detailed’

·         83% agreed the ‘programme was easy to use’.

·         84% agreed that they ‘enjoyed using this programme’.

·         89% said that the information within the programme was valuable/extremely valuable.

·         83% found the programme engaging

·         86% said that they had a ‘better understanding of my condition’ as a result of using MyDESMOND

·         62% reported they were more active and 77% changed their diet as a result of using MyDESMOND3

Access to MyDESMOND for anyone living in Wales is available through self-referral via www.mydesmond.wales

Interested in learning more about the features of the MyDESMOND platform please visit www.mydesmond.com


1.             Diabetes UK. https://www.diabetes.org.uk/in_your_area/wales/diabetes-in-wales

2.             Hadjiconstantinou M, Barker MM, Brough C et al (2021) Improved diabetes-related distress and self-efficacy outcomes in a self-management digital programme for people with type 2 diabetes, myDESMOND. Diabet Med 38: e14551

3.            https://www.diabetesonthenet.com/journals/issue/641/article-details/role-digital-diabetes-education-mydesmond-during-covid-19-pandemic